Welcome to Kim-Williams.com! I’m happy to let you have a peak into my mind and endeavors that will appreciate your support. Currently, I am building the foundation for an empire that uplifts, loves, gives, serves, game changes, and entertains as well as promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Check out my blogs, merchandise, and leave your light on!

Thirty Before 31

Allow me to share 30 brief lessons, quotes, or whatever you choose to call them that I have learned in my almost 31 years in no particular order.

Bonnet on a Budget

Nevermind the title, I just didn’t know what else to call this post. I have been seeing these bonnet arguments on social media and hearing about them via news sources like the radio and I am JUST watching the video that further instigated it all. If you don’t know, check out how Mo’ Nique weighs…

How Fragile We Are

Anthony Evans is one of my favorite artist. Sometime in early January 2021, I decided to listen through his top songs on Apple Music. The jazziness, melody, live instruments (or whatever you call the ones that aren’t imitated from a keyboard), mood, and soothing voice on Fragile by Keith Felch, featuring Anthony Evan caught my…